

Marina Resort


Information on sensitive natural areas near the Natura

2000 network SITE


”Lat 39 32'20 '' - Long 15 53'58 ''


About 3 km from the port there is a sensitive natural area between the protected areas of the Natura 2000 Network, established by the Habitats Directive 92/43 / EEC, the Community Importance Site (SIC IT9310038), called "Reef of the Rizzi ", proposed in 1995 and recognized on the basis of Decree 25/3/2005, published in the Official Gazette of the Italian Republic no. 157 of 8 July 2005 and prepared by the Ministry of the Environment and the Protection of the Territory and the Sea.
The area covers an area of ​​about 8 hectares, with a maximum altitude of 100 m. S.l.m. And minimum of 0 mt s.l.m. Featuring high cliffs, caves and gorges, it gives space to a very interesting flora with particular species of Mediterranean blotter being extinct. Very suggestive and characteristic are the numerous caves lined with limestone rocks, among which are the Grotta di Rizzo and the Grotta delle tre Colonne. The rocky coastline encircles small sparrows surrounded by numerous rocks and faraglions, including a particular symbol of Cetraro Testa del Leone. To dominate the whole cliff of the Rizzi, from the top of the rocciosoo ridge lies the Tower of Rienzo, subjected to monumental constraint under Law 1089/3, part of the system of fortification and coastal defense of the Kingdom of Naples, against incursions Piratesque erect at the end of the 16th century, in the Viceroy.
A section of calcareous coastal cliffs of the Calabrian Tyrrhenian coast of great scenic and botanical interest. The rocky walls are characterized by rocky, greenish and red-colored meticulphic rocks, which are found in limestone clusters locally. At the roof of these walls emerge crystalline gray-dark and whitish limestones where locally subtle interlaces of shingles are included. The age of the rocks of these walls dates back to the Paleozoic. The beaches are pocket-beach, that is, small beaches embedded in cliffs and are typical of high and rocky coasts. The area is characterized by remnants of Mediterranean scrub with rare species such as Anthyllis barba-jovis and Juniperus phoenicea. On vertical walls there are ruin communities in Dianthus rupee, Centaurea deus subsp. Splendens and rocks Phagnalon. In the parts closest to the sea the vegetation is characterized by alofile phytocenosis in Crithmum maritimum, Inula crithmoides and Limonium virgatum. At the foot of the cliffs there are cavities with pimps where you can find typical cenosis to cheer. The area from the bioclimatic point of view belongs to the Thermomediterranean region of the Mediterranean region, with seasonal oceanic regime.
In addition to the undisputed landscaping value of the area, there is a significant presence of well-preserved alofile cenosis rich in plant species of phytogeographic interest, including Limonium remotispiculum, south-tirrenic endemic element. Noteworthy is the presence on the cliffs of Anthyllis barba-jovis, a western element of the western part very rare in the rest of the region.
FAUNA SPECIES: Falco peregrinus Tunstall, 1771 (1p)
FLORA SPECIES: Dianthus ruins Biv. (R)
OTHER SPECIES: Limonium remotispiculum (Lacaita) Pign., Anthyllis barba-jovis L., Andrachne telephioides L.
IMPACTS AND ACTIVITIES: Infrastructures and bathing tourism of medium to low impact.
- Constraints of Demanio Marittimo;
- Landscape-environmental constraint (Code of Conduct 180021) pursuant to Law no. 1497 of 29/06/1939 on the protection of natural beauties, established by Ministerial Decree of 20/01/1970 published on G.U. n. 32 of 06/02/1970, for its considerable public interest.

Recommendations and Prohibitions. Protection of the Fauna.
It is forbidden to practice hunting in any form whatsoever, in order to avoid disturbance to the species of Community interest in the protected area. It is forbidden to catch, kill, damage, disturb animal species. Protection of the Flora. It is forbidden to harvest plant species included in the regional, national and international red lists and included in the annexes to international conventions and directives. Prohibitions referred to in art. 11 L. 394/91 and Article 3 of L.R. No. 10/2003
It is not permitted: a) free camping under any form; (B) the introduction, by private individuals, of weapons, explosives, ammunition and any destructive or captive means; C) the ignition of outdoor fires, except in specially equipped spaces, the use of rockets and the provocation of explosions; (D) the use of noise or light sources which disturb the quiet and natural habitats present.

Prohibition in the Coastal Order of the Cetraro Coast Guard: Do not sail or moor at less than 100 mt distance from the rocky coasts on the sea of ​​S.I.C. "Scogliera dei Rizzi".

Ministry of the Environment and the Protection of the Territory



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PORT OF CETRARO - Marina Resort - Tax Code 86000770783

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